Language is a bridge that connects us to
different cultures, people, and emotions. Whether we are expressing excitement
about something interesting or sharing our thoughts on something boring, the
words we choose play a crucial role in communication. In this article, we’ll
explore 20 Hindi sentences about "Interesting" and "Boring"
with their Nepali translations. We’ll also delve into real conversations
between Nepali and Indian people, providing a practical understanding of how
these words are used in everyday life.
Interesting vs. Boring: A Cultural
Before we dive into the sentences, it’s
essential to understand how the concepts of "Interesting" and
"Boring" are perceived in different cultures. In both Nepali and
Indian contexts, something that is "interesting" often brings joy,
curiosity, or excitement, while something "boring" is generally seen
as monotonous or lacking in engagement.
In Nepal, people might describe a
fascinating event as "मनोरञ्जनात्मक" (Manoranjanatmak), while in India, it might be called "दिलचस्प"
(Dilchasp). Similarly, something boring could be described as "निरस"
(Niras) in Nepali and "उबाऊ" (Ubau) in Hindi.
often evokes feelings of dullness or a lack
of engagement. However, the way these concepts are expressed in daily
conversations can vary, reflecting the unique cultural nuances of Nepal and
1. Hindi: यह फिल्म बहुत दिलचस्प है।
Nepali: यो फिल्म धेरै चाखलाग्दो
Translation: This movie is very
Context: Raju, a student in India, watches
a new Bollywood movie and finds it captivating. He shares his excitement with
his friends, who also enjoy films. Similarly, in Nepal, Sita, who enjoys
watching movies, expresses the same sentiment to her family after watching a
popular Nepali film.
Example Conversation:
Raju (Hindi): यार, यह फिल्म बहुत दिलचस्प है! मैंने तो पूरी रात इसे देखी।
Sita (Nepali): यो फिल्म धेरै चाखलाग्दो
छ। मलाई यसमा पात्रहरूको अभिनय पनि एकदम मन पर्यो।
2. Hindi: यह किताब बहुत उबाऊ है।
Nepali: यो किताब धेरै दिक्कलाग्दो छ।
Translation: This book is very boring.
Context: Gita, a college student in India,
struggles to finish a textbook that she finds incredibly boring. On the other
hand, Hari, a Nepali student, feels the same way about one of his course books.
Example Conversation:
Gita (Hindi): यह किताब बहुत उबाऊ है। मुझे इसमें बिल्कुल भी मजा नहीं आ रहा।
Hari (Nepali): यो किताब धेरै दिक्कलाग्दो छ। मलाई यो पढ्दा पटक्कै रमाइलो लागेको छैन।
3. Hindi: तुम्हारी बातें हमेशा मजेदार होती हैं।
Nepali: तिमीले भनेका कुरा सधैं रमाइलो हुन्छ।
Translation: Your conversations are always
Context: Priya, who loves storytelling, is
known for making every conversation lively and engaging. Her friend, Anjali,
often compliments her on this. In Nepal, Kamal, who is known for his humor,
receives a similar compliment from his friends.
Example Conversation:
Priya (Hindi): तुम्हारी बातें हमेशा मजेदार होती हैं, मैं हर बार हंस-हंस कर लोटपोट हो जाती हूँ।
Kamal (Nepali): तिमीले भनेका कुरा सधैं रमाइलो हुन्छ। तिम्रो कुरा सुन्दा हाँसेर पेट दुख्छ।
4. Hindi: यह जगह बहुत निरस है।
Nepali: यो ठाउँ धेरै निरस छ।
Translation: This place is very boring.
Context: While traveling, Raj finds himself
in a small town that lacks excitement. He shares his disappointment with his
friend Ravi. Meanwhile, Laxmi in Nepal expresses her boredom after visiting a
dull, quiet village.
Example Conversation:
Raj (Hindi): यह जगह बहुत निरस है, यहाँ तो कुछ भी करने लायक नहीं है।
Laxmi (Nepali): यो ठाउँ धेरै निरस छ, यहाँ त केही पनि गर्न लायक छैन।
5. Hindi: मुझे यह गाना सुनने में मजा आ रहा है।
Nepali: मलाई यो गीत सुन्दा मजा आइरहेको छ।
Translation: I am enjoying listening to
this song.
Context: Sunil, who enjoys music, shares
his joy when he listens to a catchy new song. In Nepal, Pratik feels the same
excitement as he plays his favorite tune.
Example Conversation:
Sunil (Hindi): मुझे यह गाना सुनने में मजा आ रहा है, इसकी धुन कमाल की है।
Pratik (Nepali): मलाई यो गीत सुन्दा मजा आइरहेको छ, यसको धुन नै बेग्लै छ।
6. Hindi: तुम्हारी कहानी सुनकर मुझे बोरियत हो रही है।
Nepali: तिम्रो कथा सुनेर मलाई दिक्क लागिरहेको
Translation: Your story is making me bored.
Context: Sometimes, not every story is
engaging. Here, Shreya, after listening to her friend Neha’s long-winded tale,
can’t help but express her boredom. In Nepal, Suman feels the same while listening
to his friend’s monotonous story.
Example Conversation:
Shreya (Hindi): तुम्हारी कहानी सुनकर मुझे बोरियत हो रही है, इसे छोटा करो।
Suman (Nepali): तिम्रो कथा सुनेर मलाई दिक्क लागिरहेको
छ, अलि छोटो गर न त।
7. Hindi: यह विषय बहुत दिलचस्प है।
Nepali: यो विषय धेरै चाखलाग्दो
Translation: This subject is very
Context: Ravi, who is passionate about
history, finds a particular topic in his studies fascinating. He shares this
with his friend, Arjun, who is equally intrigued. In Nepal, Sandhya finds her
favorite subject equally engaging.
Example Conversation:
Ravi (Hindi): यह विषय बहुत दिलचस्प है, मुझे इस पर और जानने की इच्छा है।
Sandhya (Nepali): यो विषय धेरै चाखलाग्दो
छ, मलाई यसमा अझ धेरै जान्न मन लागेको छ।
8. Hindi: यह लैक्चर बेहद उबाऊ है।
Nepali: यो प्रवचन निकै दिक्कलाग्दो छ।
Translation: This lecture is extremely
Context: Nisha finds it hard to stay awake
during a monotonous lecture in college. Her friend Meena, sitting next to her,
shares the same sentiment. In Nepal, Bikash and his classmates find their
teacher’s lecture equally unengaging.
Example Conversation:
Nisha (Hindi): यह लैक्चर बेहद उबाऊ है, कब खत्म होगा?
Bikash (Nepali): यो प्रवचन निकै दिक्कलाग्दो छ, कहिले सकिन्छ होला?
9. Hindi: इस कार्यक्रम
में बड़ा मजा आया।
Nepali: यो कार्यक्रममा ठूलो मजा आयो।
Translation: I had a lot of fun at this
Context: After attending a cultural event,
Rajesh shares his excitement with his friends, who also enjoyed the
performances. In Nepal, Pooja expresses similar joy after attending a local
Example Conversation:
Rajesh (Hindi): इस कार्यक्रम
में बड़ा मजा आया, खासकर संगीत का हिस्सा।
Pooja (Nepali): यो कार्यक्रममा ठूलो मजा आयो, विशेष गरेर सांगीतिक भाग।
10. Hindi: यह सभा बहुत नीरस थी।
Nepali: यो सभा निकै निरस थियो।
Translation: This meeting was very dull.
Context: After sitting through a long and
uneventful meeting, Mohan shares his feelings with his colleague, Ramesh. In
Nepal, Sita finds a community meeting equally dull and expresses this to her
Example Conversation:
Mohan (Hindi): यह सभा बहुत नीरस थी, समय का अपव्यय हुआ।
Sita (Nepali): यो सभा निकै निरस थियो, समय खेर गयो।
यह आकर्षक है। यह पेचीदा है। यह आकर्षक है। यह रोमांचकारी है। यह दिलचस्प है। यह सम्मोहक है। यह उत्तेजक है। यह विचारोत्तेजक है। यह मंत्रमुग्ध कर देने वाला है। यह दिलचस्प है। यह रोमांचकारी है। यह आकर्षक है। यह रोमांचक है। यह आकर्षक है। यह नीरस है। यह दिलचस्प नहीं है। मैं आँसुओं से ऊब चुका हूँ। यह दिमाग सुन्न करने वाला है। यह एक स्नूज़-फेस्ट है। मैं इसे बर्दाश्त नहीं कर सकता। यह नीरस है। यह एक ड्रैग है। मैं पहले से ही जम्हाई ले रहा हूं। यह थकाऊ है। यह मुझे सुला रहा है। मैंने रुचि खो दी है। यह उत्साहहीन है। यह एक बोर है। मुझे नींद आ रही है। |
यो आकर्षक छ। यो एक कठिन छ। यो आकर्षक छ। यो रोमाञ्चक छ। यो रोचक छ। यो मनमोहक छ। यो रोमाञ्चक छ। यो सोचाइ उत्प्रेरित छ। यो मनमोहक छ। यो रोचक छ। यो रोमाञ्चक छ। यो आकर्षक छ। यो रोमाञ्चक छ। यो आकर्षक छ। यो सुस्त छ। यो रोचक छैन। मलाई आँसु थामिएको छ। यो मन सुन्न छ। यो स्नुज-फेस्ट हो। म सहन सक्दिन। यो सुस्त छ। यो तान्नु हो। म पहिल्यै हाईरहेको छु। यो थाकेको छ। यसले मलाई निद्रा लगाइरहेछ। मैले चासो गुमाएको छु। यो प्रेरणादायी छैन। यो एक बोर छ। मलाई निद्रा लागेको छ। |
11. Hindi: यह अनुभव अद्भुत था।
Nepali: यो अनुभव अद्भुत थियो।
Translation: This experience was amazing.
Context: After a thrilling adventure trip,
Suresh shares his excitement with his friends. Similarly, in Nepal, Rina feels
exhilarated after her first paragliding experience and shares it with her
Example Conversation:
Suresh (Hindi): यह अनुभव अद्भुत था, मुझे ऐसा पहले कभी नहीं लगा।
Rina (Nepali): यो अनुभव अद्भुत थियो, मैले यसरी पहिले कहिल्यै महसुस गरेको थिइन।
12. Hindi: मुझे यह खेल बेहद बोरिंग लगा।
Nepali: मलाई यो खेल निकै बोरिङ लाग्यो।
Translation: I found this game very boring.
Context: After playing a new board game,
Ravi doesn’t find it engaging and shares his disappointment with his friends.
In Nepal, Arun feels the same about a traditional game he played during a
family gathering.
Example Conversation:
Ravi (Hindi): मुझे यह खेल बेहद बोरिंग लगा, इसमें कोई उत्साह नहीं है।
Arun (Nepali): मलाई यो खेल निकै बोरिङ लाग्यो, यो खेल्दा रमाइलो लागेन।
13. Hindi: इस यात्रा में बहुत मजा आया।
Nepali: यो यात्रामा धेरै मजा आयो।
Translation: I had a lot of fun on this
Context: After a fun-filled road trip,
Manish and his friends can’t stop talking about how much they enjoyed it. In
Nepal, Bina shares similar excitement after a trekking adventure in the
Example Conversation:
Manish (Hindi): इस यात्रा में बहुत मजा आया, हमें फिर से ऐसा करना चाहिए।
Bina (Nepali): यो यात्रामा धेरै मजा आयो, हामीले
14. Hindi: यह शो देखकर मुझे बहुत बोरियत हुई।
Nepali: यो शो हेरेर मलाई धेरै दिक्क लाग्यो।
Translation: Watching this show made me
very bored.
Context: Rohan, after watching a new TV
show, realizes it wasn’t as exciting as he had hoped. He shares his
disappointment with his sister. In Nepal, Suman, who was looking forward to
watching a popular show, feels the same way and expresses his boredom to his
Example Conversation:
Rohan (Hindi): यह शो देखकर मुझे बहुत बोरियत हुई, मैं उम्मीद कर रहा था कि यह बेहतर होगा।
Suman (Nepali): यो शो हेरेर मलाई धेरै दिक्क लाग्यो, मैले सोचेको जस्तो राम्रो भएन।
15. Hindi: तुम्हारे सुझाव बहुत दिलचस्प हैं।
Nepali: तिमीले दिएको सल्लाहहरू
निकै चाखलाग्दा छन्।
Translation: Your suggestions are very
Context: Priya, who often comes up with
creative ideas, receives praise from her colleagues during a brainstorming
session. In Nepal, Anil, who is known for his innovative thoughts, also gets
compliments for his ideas during a team meeting.
Example Conversation:
Priya (Hindi): तुम्हारे सुझाव बहुत दिलचस्प हैं, हमें इन्हें जरूर आजमाना चाहिए।
Anil (Nepali): तिमीले दिएको सल्लाहहरू
निकै चाखलाग्दा छन्, हामीले यसलाई अवश्य नै प्रयास गर्नुपर्छ।
16. Hindi: यह सफर उबाऊ था, मैं सो ही गया।
Nepali: यो यात्रा दिक्कलाग्दो थियो, म त सुतिहालेँ।
Translation: This journey was boring; I
just fell asleep.
Context: After a long, uneventful bus ride,
Aman shares with his friend how boring the journey was. In Nepal, Gita has a
similar experience during a train ride and shares her thoughts with her
Example Conversation:
Aman (Hindi): यह सफर उबाऊ था, मैं सो ही गया, कुछ भी देखने लायक नहीं था।
Gita (Nepali): यो यात्रा दिक्कलाग्दो थियो, म त सुतिहालेँ, केही पनि हेर्न लायक थिएन।
17. Hindi: तुम्हारा प्रोजेक्ट
बहुत दिलचस्प है।
Nepali: तिम्रो परियोजना धेरै चाखलाग्दो
Translation: Your project is very
Context: During a class presentation, Raj
receives praise from his classmates and teacher for his creative project. In
Nepal, Prabin presents his science project, which impresses his teacher and
Example Conversation:
Raj (Hindi): तुम्हारा प्रोजेक्ट
बहुत दिलचस्प है, तुमने बहुत मेहनत की है।
Prabin (Nepali): तिम्रो परियोजना धेरै चाखलाग्दो
छ, तिमीले धेरै मिहिनेत गरेका रहेछौ।
18. Hindi: यह भोजन बिल्कुल उबाऊ है।
Nepali: यो खाना पटक्कै दिक्कलाग्दो छ।
Translation: This food is absolutely
Context: After trying a new restaurant,
Sanjay is disappointed with the bland food and shares his thoughts with his
friends. In Nepal, Sabina feels the same after eating a meal that lacked
Example Conversation:
Sanjay (Hindi): यह भोजन बिल्कुल उबाऊ है, मुझे इसमें कोई स्वाद नहीं मिला।
Sabina (Nepali): यो खाना पटक्कै दिक्कलाग्दो छ, म सँग कुनै स्वाद नै छैन।
19. Hindi: इस फिल्म का क्लाइमैक्स बहुत मजेदार था।
Nepali: यो फिल्मको क्लाइमेक्स धेरै रमाइलो थियो।
Translation: The climax of this movie was
very exciting.
Context: After watching a thriller movie,
Sameer can’t stop talking about how intense and exciting the climax was. In
Nepal, Ashok, who loves suspense films, shares his enthusiasm about a similar
movie with his friends.
Example Conversation:
Sameer (Hindi): इस फिल्म का क्लाइमैक्स बहुत मजेदार था, मैं पूरे समय सीट से चिपका रहा।
Ashok (Nepali): यो फिल्मको क्लाइमेक्स धेरै रमाइलो थियो, म पूरै समय सिटबाट उठ्नै सकेन।
20. Hindi: यह किताब पढ़ना मजेदार रहा।
Nepali: यो किताब पढ्दा रमाइलो भयो।
Translation: Reading this book was
Context: After finishing a novel, Ritu
shares with her friend how much she enjoyed the story and characters. In Nepal,
Ramesh, who just finished reading a biography, feels similarly engrossed and
shares his thoughts with his cousin.
Example Conversation:
Ritu (Hindi): यह किताब पढ़ना मजेदार रहा, मैं इसे दोबारा पढ़ना चाहूंगी।
Ramesh (Nepali): यो किताब पढ्दा रमाइलो भयो, म यसलाई फेरि पढ्न चाहन्छु।
Language reflects the intricacies of our
thoughts and emotions. The words we choose to describe something as
"interesting" or "boring" carry the weight of our
experiences. Whether it's through a captivating story, a thrilling movie, or
even a mundane lecture, these concepts resonate deeply in our daily lives. By
exploring these 20 sentences in Hindi and their Nepali translations, we get a
glimpse of how different yet similar these two cultures are in expressing what
captures their interest and what does not.
For those learning Hindi or Nepali, these sentences and examples provide a practical way to understand the subtle differences and similarities between the two languages. Next time you find yourself intrigued or bored, you’ll know exactly how to express it in both Hindi and Nepali.